
Claude Monnet & Torre Bros - Baleora

image description


  1. Baleora - Main I
  2. Baleora - Main II.mp3

Album description

There is just no doubt that music lovers will make this track theirs. Through this tune Claude has musically expressed a whole new side of himself. A balearic one. What an achievement ! This track conveys a huge range of feelings. Depending on your mood, you'll experience ambivalent states and feelings : deep pondering or pure bliss, sadness or joy, energy or languidness, maybe all of them at the same time. Hold your breath and ride the boisterous and hypnotic piano, let yourself be carried away by the strings and pads and follow the notes of the earthly bass. Alternately exciting and soothing, Baleora is definitely a music celebration that will bring everyone to unisson Composed by Claude Monnet, Jean-marc Torre & Patrick Torre Produced by Claude Monnet Publishing : Topolino Bello P & C : Penso Positivo

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